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Aesthetic of Suddenness & Moments

A Sound Mountain

Sound Installation
6 loudspeakers and a sound exciter, 2 microphones, a playback unit 

The sounds that, when heard, are quite far removed from what happened live; a growing sound. The installation with an electroacoustic composition in process based on field recordings from the noises and the silences library and particularly the installation’s soundscape. In the installation, sounds from the silent soundscape of the library that are elaborately ornamented with unexpectedly appearing noises are regularly recorded at random times of the day throughout the exhibition for 12 weeks while silently played back from different loudspeakers during the exhibition. Each new recording is set to layer on top of the previous one and aims to build a sound hill.

Visitors are experiencing and listen to the different sonic fragments of the different moments of the library which layered on top of each other in the compositional process. The electroacoustic composition is created during the duration of the exhibition. However, also the visitors suddenly experience that they themselves become part of the sonic history and leave their sonic traces behind during random recordings. The silences and noises of the library will gradually pass into an abstract plan, a composition, in a constant ambiguity between now and past, happening and reproduction. Sounds are not aimed to produce a sonic effect of the fragment, but to give the listener a greater distance from the actual moment of the sound’s appearance.